Last updated Feb. 2025

Journal articles:
- Lyu, S., E. Fard, A., Utyuzhnikov, S., Adams, N.A., "Implicit near-wall domain decomposition approach for large eddy simulation of turbulent flow separation", Physics of Fluids 36 (2024) 125195.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Thévenin, D., "Addendum: Numerical simulation of heat transfer in particulate flows using a thermal immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 110 (2024) 109598.
- E. Fard, A., Utyuzhnikov, S., "A Hybrid Large Eddy Simulation Algorithm Based on the Implicit Domain Decomposition", Mathematics 11 (2023) 4340.
- E. Fard, A., Khalili, M., "Effect of channel width on the sedimentation modes of a cold elliptical particle in hot narrow channels", Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 36 (2022), 101519.
- Hosseini, S.A., Eshghinejadfard, A., Darabiha, N., Thévenin, D., "Weakly compressible Lattice Boltzmann simulations of reacting flows with detailed thermo-chemical models", Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (2020), 141-158.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Hosseini, S.A., Thévenin, D., "Effect of particle density in turbulent channel flows with resolved oblate spheroids", Computers & Fluids 184 (2019), 29-39.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Zhao, L., Thévenin, D., "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of resolved oblate spheroids in wall turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849 (2018), 510-540.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Abdelsamie, A., Hosseini, S.A., Thévenin, D., "Immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann simulation of turbulent channel flows in the presence of spherical particles", International Journal of Multiphase Flow 96 (2017), 161-172.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Hosseini, S.A., Thévenin, D., "Fully-resolved prolate spheroids in turbulent channel flows: A lattice Boltzmann study", AIP Advances 7 (2017) 095007.
- Hosseini, S.A., Darabiha, N., Thévenin, D., Eshghinejadfard, A., "Stability limits of the single relaxation-time advection-diffusion lattice Boltzmann scheme", International Journal of Modern Physics C 28 (2017) 1750141.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Sharma, K., Thévenin, D., "Effect of polymer and fiber additives on pressure drop in a rectangular channel", Journal of Hydrodynamics 29 (2017) 871-878.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Daroczy, L., Janiga, G., Thévenin, D., "Calculation of the permeability in porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 62 (2016) 93-103.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Thévenin, D., "Numerical simulation of heat transfer in particulate flows using a thermal immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 60 (2016) 31-46.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Abdelsamie, A., Janiga, G., Thévenin, D., "Direct-forcing immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann simulation of particle/fluid interactions for spherical and non-spherical particles", Particuology 25 (2016) 93-103.
- Abdelsamie, A., Eshghinejadfard, A., Oster, T., Thévenin, D., "Impact of the collision model for fully resolved particles interacting in a fluid", ASME Fluids Engineering Division FEDSM2014-21447 (2014) 1-12.
- Emami, M.D., Eshghinejad Fard, A., "Laminar flamelet modeling of a turbulent CH4/H2/N2 jet diffusion flame using artificial neural networks", Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 2082-2093.
Selected conference presentations:
- E. Fard, A., Utyuzhnikov, S., "LES/RANS domain decomposition for near-wall turbulence modelling", Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT23), 2023, Rome, IT.
- E. Fard, A., Khalili, M., "Simulation of non-spherical particles by using the lattice Boltzmann and immersed boundary method", 3rd national conference on applied mechanics, 2020, Shahrekord, IR.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Thévenin, D., "Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of resolved prolate spheroids in turbulent channel flows", EuroMech Colloquium 596, 2018, Venice, IT.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Abdelsamie, A., Hosseini, S.A., Thévenin, D., "Lattice Boltzmann investigation of turbulent fully-resolved particle-laden flows", 16th European Turbulence Conference (ETC), 2017, Stockholm, SE.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Abdelsamie, A., Thévenin, D., "Lattice Boltzmann simulation of turbulent channel flows in the presence of spherical particles", 13. International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), 2016, Hamburg, DE.
- Eshghinejadfard, A., Thévenin, D., "Modeling the sedimentation behavior of single and multiple spheroidal particles using lattice Boltzmann method", 24th Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD), 2015, Edinburgh, UK.